Are Mineral Deficiencies Slowing Your Progress?




If you’re a lifter, athlete or anyone that sweats, you’re likely deficient in zinc, along with selenium.  Did you know these maintain high testosterone levels and the immune system? Not something you want. In the current world today or anytime really. Be sure you’re taking Blackstone Labs Core Series Multi Vitamin. Let’s Take a look at an important mineral deficiency current these days.

Nowadays, 85% of people today are also deficient in magnesium.  Magnesium plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, many of which are directly related to muscle function and protein synthesis. Yet most Americans don’t get anywhere near enough magnesium, and the problem is amplified in hard training athletes and muscle heads. Magnesium is slowly disappearing from the American diet. Many food processing methods strip magnesium and other minerals from our foods, making it harder to get enough nutrients from what you think is a good diet. How can you combat this?  Let’s first look at why magnesium is important.


As I said magnesium has many essential roles in your biochemistry. For one, magnesium deficiency is associated with hypoparathyroidism and low vitamin D production. Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to symptoms of atherosclerosis. However, in animal trials, supplementing magnesium inhibited the development of this.


Magnesium is known as the mineral for glucose control and is associated with insulin sensitivity. A low intake has been linked with the development of type-2 diabetes. Studies have shown that adding more magnesium to your diet can help prevent this from happening.

High blood glucose and insulin levels can reduce your magnesium levels more. Eating a diet high in processed carbs and sugars and not maintaining glucose levels is going to lessen your already low magnesium. I read once that in a study of those following a low-magnesium diet for only four weeks reduced their insulin sensitivity by 25%, this shows that magnesium deficiency can lead to insulin resistance.

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant subjects, both diabetics and non-diabetic.


Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased LDL levels, increased inflammation and and constriction of coronary arteries. This decreases oxygen and nutrients to the heart. That doesn’t sound good, especially when bodybuilders need to have a healthy heart to put on the mass they are looking to add. Magnesium supplementation and has been shown to decrease LDL levels and improve other blood lipids in people with coronary artery disease and decrease inflammation.


Key sources of magnesium are fish, nuts, beans, leafy greens, whole grains, some vegetables. Salmon, Whey Protein, spinach, almonds, potatoes, and yogurt are all good sources of this it. Some grains and seeds rich in magnesium are also high in phytic acid. Phytic acid may has a few benefits, but it also can prevent magnesium and other nutrients from being properly absorbed.

Because of this, I often recommend to my clients to use sprouted grain breads, like Ezekiel to reduce (but not eliminate) phytic acid and other anti-nutrients. It’s also good to buy roasted nuts instead of raw because it reduces phytic acid too.

No matter what adding a magnesium supplement with at least 400mg of magnesium glycinate is great to add in with your Blackstone Labs Multi which already has a full spectrum of your daily minerals needed for blood sugar management, protein synthesis, and hormonal status.

I recommend a powdered magnesium supplement to be taken before bed because this can aid in proper digestion, restful sleep (needed to get those gains) and can continue helping you synthesize protein all through the night.


Magnesium is kind of a big deal. It’s vital for proper vitamin D metabolism, parathyroid function, insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, better lipid levels and prevention of atherosclerosis, not to mention cardiovascular disease. But it also helps you relax and get better sleep as well as improve your digestion at night.