Fasted or Fed Cardio?



Cardio has always been an area of concern for almost everyone involved in fitness and wellness. Some people absolutely love it, some despise it.

Recently, it seems that another layer of conflict has managed to apply itself to an already highly polarized topic: fasted vs. fed cardio.

The current schools of thought regarding the two ends of this spectrum concern themselves with the total amount of fat burned during cardio if a person either eats beforehand, or foregoes nutrition before training so as to encourage the body to burn its own reserves of fat.

Luckily for everyone, we happen to have 2 highly-educated and experienced sources in exercise science, Blackstone Labs’ own CSO Bryan Moskow, aka the Guerilla Chemist, and Laurin Conlin, an IFBB pro who holds an MS in exercise science.

Watch as our team breaks down and evaluates each point of view with hard scientific evidence and real facts.

Watch for yourself, the end result may shock you!

Follow on Bryan and Laurin on Instagram!

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