Three Festive Fast Food Recipes



Editor’s Note: This article is about a discontinued product, but you can substitute Fast Food for a similarly-flavored mass gainer or carb supplement

With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, our strongholds of discipline may start to waiver. Many of us stuff ourselves full during the holidays and our workout routines, diets, and bodies pay for it. Still, these are times of celebration, giving thanks, spending time with family, and having a good time. A little splurging doesn’t seem so bad, right? However, before you take the plunge, let’s consider a few holiday-themed delectables you can make to sate some of that holiday sweet tooth. Our recipes today will be centered around Fast Food, our meal replacement/mass gainer supplement, and its appropriately festive flavor, candied yams.

The Nude Candied Yams Cake

For the first recipe, we’re going to make a nude candied yams cake. What do I mean by nude – without frosting. Believe it or not, there’s a large market for candied yams, so this recipe may even appeal to your friends and family. At the least, when you want to cheat after a hard day of work or eat cake for breakfast, this recipe may be for you.


Blend together your egg whites, sweet potatoes, Fast Food, almond milk, and baking powder in a blender. Place ingredients in a microwaveable bowl and cook in microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Let cool for about five minutes, and the cake is yours to enjoy. You can modify this recipe to bake a larger cake by adjusting your ingredients accordingly.

Candied Yams Protein Cookies

I know when I’m hungry for a snack, there’s nothing that hits the spot better than a nice, soft cookie. Unfortunately, one cookie tends to lead to another, and then you’re ten cookies in and due for a long jog. With this recipe, we’ve taken Fast Food and turned it into some excellent morning or workout day protein cookies. If you’re a fan of the yams, these will surely be a treat.

Per Batch:.


Microwave or boil your sweet potato until it is soft. Preheat the oven to 350. Make sure to spray your cookie sheet with cooking oil to avoid sticking. Combine all of your ingredients into a bowl and mix. Form your cookies (probably can make around 10). Bake in oven for about 25 minutes. Cool for a few minutes. (Note: A good approximation for how each cookie will look nutritionally, divide your numbers by 10 if you make a 10 cookie batch, etc.).

Fast Food Pumpkin Yams Pancake

Finally, I’d like to round this session of recipes out with a solid Fast Food pancake. The perfect combination for Thanksgiving – and even into the chills of December – is the Fast Food Pumpkin Yam Pancake. Get the best of both basic worlds by combining the spices of pumpkin with the sweetness of yams or sweet potatoes. Breakfast protein has never come in a tastier fashion.


Mix your ingredients together in mixing bowl into batter. Melt your coconut butter or spray non-stick spray on skillet. Pour the batter on skillet, flipping when necessary. When pancakes are golden brown on each side, they are ready to be served

If you’re keen on baking your pancakes in the oven, you can pre-heat the oven at 425℉. Place your batter in a buttered/sprayed pie pan, and cook it for approximately 20-25 minutes. Once the pancakes are a golden brown, you can enjoy.

There you have it. The next time the holiday hunger cravings emerge, think of these recipes. Fast Food is a meal replacement tool, so you should be able to utilize these recipes to your ultimate benefits. Enjoy the holidays and all of the candied yams you’re sure to eat.