
  • Seth Feroce Explains Leg Training

    Pre-Workout Shake – 2 Scoops Formula19 (Carb Powder), 2 scoops Hype (Nitric Oxide) , 1 Scoop Resurgence (BCAAs) Not your typical Squat, Leg Press, Hack Squat, Deadlift Leg Training Video. Listen we all can do that, we can try to move the most weight in the world and guess what…….. Here’s a thumbs up and…

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  • Seth Feroce talks: Steroids, Drugs, and Life Part 2

    This Part 2 of the Intense Reality of Steroids, Drugs and Life. Seth touches a little more on the subject and sheds some light to those who are naive of the truth or don’t want to believe the world can be a rough and nasty place. And there are solutions to it all. There is…

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  • Seth Feroce Talks Steroids, Drugs, and Life Part 1

    This video is intense and vulgar, so have the kids leave the room, or put in those headphones!

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  • Cody Montgomery & Jared Brown Shoulder Workout

    Part 2 of our gym saga, featuring IFBB pro Cody Montgomery and Muscle Boy extraordinaire Jared Brown! They did arms together, now it’s time to round out the rest of the rigorous upper-body workout. They move onto shoulders and the effort is so real. See for yourself!

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  • Grill Friday at Blackstone Labs

    The newest tradition at Blackstone Labs HQ, Grill Fridays. Every couple of weeks we are going to get together and grill some burgers, steak and chicken. Here is how the first one went, some assembly required…

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  • Targeting Chest with Hand Placement

    What’s up guys! Back at it with some tips and tricks when training chest! You’ve heard me say before that having a wider grip works more of the outside of the chest, and having a more narrow grip works more of the inside of your chest. Now we are going over hand placement! For instance,…

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  • Seth Feroce’s Guide to Carbohydrates

    Carbs, carbs, and MORE CARBS! If you have been following me, you are all aware of my love for CARBS! Blood flow, nutrient flow, GROWTH! In this video, we will be going over the carbohydrates I utilize in my diet. Whether it is my off season, or during prep, I utilize different carbohydrates sources. You…

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  • Cody Montgomery & Jared Brown Arm Workout

    King of fitness content, Cody Montgomery, takes us down to The Athletic Factor today. His goal: to crush arms. He breaks each exercise down and gives some of the finer details. And as an added bonus, he is joined by Muscleboy all star, Jared! This just goes to show how authentic our sales people are,…

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