BFG - Big F*cking Gains - 60 Day Cycle

Muscle growth made easy
$ 429.99
$ 589.99

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How To Use

How Do I Take This Stack

Take each product as directed on the bottles together for 4-12 weeks. Follow up with PCTV and Apex Male

Ok, What Now?

The day after the cycle ends, start PCTV and Apex Male as directed on the bottles for 4-8 weeks.

Other Frequently Asked Questions


This Stack Includes


Apex Male

Promotes Natural Testosterone Production
Beginning at age 30, men experience a gradual, and consistent, decline in testosterone production. Declining testosterone levels means it’s harder to build muscle, and a whole lot easier to gain fat. Until now, the aging male faced two choices, neither ideal -- suffer the incessant drop in testosterone, or embrace testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Natural testosterone booster
  • Supports increases in testosterone production
  • Supports increases in libido
  • Supports increases in well-being and mood

Halo Elite

First Plant Androgen (Phytoandrogen) ever developed and sold in ethical doses.
Blackstone Labs has done it again with its re-launch of Halo Elite, which is the first plant androgen (phytoandrogen) ever developed and sold in ethical doses. Phytoandrogens are substances produced in plants which have effects similar to testosterone, which regulates the development and maintenance of male characteristics by binding to androgen receptors. Blackstone Labs has found such an androgen in the plant Eucommia ulmoides which causes skeletal muscle development, bone density improvement, and increases in sex drive.
  • Plant Phytoandrogen 
  • Increase in strength 
  • Increase in endurance 
  • Increase in muscle hardness


Hardcore Estrogen Blocker
Eradicate is an aromatase inhibitor utilizing Arimistane. Arimistane prevents your testosterone from converting into estrogen, keeping it all in your system so it does what it does best.
  • Arimistane
  • Supports estrogen and cortisol regulation
  • Reduces water retention and enhances fat loss 
  • Safe for men and women

Brutal 4ce

Destined by Force
Liposomal products are designed to achieve a 99% absorption rate, achieved through both a fat-soluble coating and water-soluble coating of the supplement to bypass the liver and be immediately shuttled into the bloodstream. Normally, oral supplements have to pass through the liver at least 3 times before actually entering the bloodstream; by the time that happens you're only utilizing 33% of the supplement.
  • 4-DHEA
  • Massive gains in size and strength
  • Liposomal Technology increases Bioavailability
  • PCT and Gear support is recommended Post-Cycle