1. Make a purchase of $100+ from now until March 21th, 2025 - use code TF2025. This code stacks with other codes on the site, so feel free to pair it with a discount!
  2. Email your order number and before photos to contest@blackstonelabs.com and include TF2025 in the subject line. Email should include your full name, aforementioned photos, and any relevant Instagram handles.
    • Photo Criteria: Please provide one front photo as well as one back photo while in your underwear, a swimsuit, or other appropriate attire. Include a newspaper dated between Feb 21st and March 21st 2025 in each shot.
  1. Email your after photos (holding a newspaper dated between 12 weeks after your BEFORE photo and up to 7 days after that date) to contest@blackstonelabs.com. Photo criteria is the same, but the newspaper used in the AFTER photo should be dated within 7 days of your 12 week transformation. (example: If your BEFORE photos are dated 02/22/2025, your AFTER photos should be dated between May 17th and May 24th). Please include TF2025 in the subject line along with your full name, and Instagram handles in the message body. 
  2. Entrants, in lieu of making a purchase, may enter via mail-in entry. The complete rules for mail-in entry can be found in our terms and conditions.
  3. Entrants whose before and after photos do not meet contest criteria and/or cannot be identified will be disqualified.

  1. The winners will be chosen on greatest overall body transformation
  2. We will compare your before picture against your after picture to determine a result.

  1. Entries accepted until March 31st, 2025 (Photos must be dated February 21st to March 21st)
  2. Ends on June 13, 2025. Final Photos accepted until June 20th 2025.
  3. Make a purchase on the site of $100 of more using the code TF2025 or utilize the mail-in method explained in our terms and conditions.
  4. Only domestic customers ARE ALLOWED to enter
  5. You can few the Terms and Conditions here.

  1. First place receives $5000 cash
  2. Second place receives $1000 in Blackstone Labs Supplements
  3. Third place receives $500 in Blackstone Labs Supplements
  4. All participants, win or lose, will be given access to an exclusive discount code that provides 25% off all supplements until December 31st 2025.
    • This code will be active by April 2nd and all entrants who submit valid BEFORE photos by the cutoff date (March 21st) will be eligible to use it.
    • All contest participants who do not submit AFTER photos by the cutoff date (May 24th) will be lose their eligibility to use this coupon upon contest completion.
    • This code does not stack with other codes. To use this code and support a legion member, please contact our call center to arrange this.