
  • Muscular Development: ‘A Billion Burpees!’, by PJ Braun

    The Following Article was originally published in Muscular Development Magazine in December 2022. It is the third in a series of articles written while PJ Braun was in prison. You can find previous and future articles in this series here. At the end of this article, you will find an addendum not included in the…

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  • Muscular Development: Getting Enough Protein to Build Muscle, by PJ Braun

    The Following Article was originally published in Muscular Development Magazine in November 2022. It is the second in a series of articles written while PJ Braun was in prison. You can find previous and future articles in this series here. At the end of this article, you will find an addendum not included in the…

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  • Muscular Development: The Worst Day of My Life, by PJ Braun

    The Following Article was originally published in Muscular Development Magazine in October 2022. It is the first in a series of articles written while PJ Braun was in prison. You can find future articles in this series here. County jail SUCKS, so stay out of trouble, kids! PJ Braun First and foremost, to say that…

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  • Ways You May Be Using Your Supplements Wrong

    Everyone who’s anyone in the fitness world uses supplements at some point in their fitness journey. From protein powders to pre-workouts to specialty glucose-disposing products, there’s something for everyone. There is a time and place for everything in life, and supplements are no different. Many people are not properly using their supplements for their optimal…

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  • Letro XT: The Secret to Estrogen Control

    By PJ Braun Letro Xt by Blackstone Labs is a potent, irreversible aromatase inhibitor that inhibits estrogen biosynthesis by permanently binding and inactivating aromatase in adipose and peripheral tissue. It is used to control Estrogen synthesis. Whoa! Ok so what the heck does this mean for you and me? When cycling any Testosterone boosting supplements there is always the risk…

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  • Best Fitness Supplements for Building Muscle

    Want to Find the Best Fitness Supplements For Building Muscle? Building muscle can be a long, monotonous journey. It takes years of dedication and not missing a beat to put on even 5-10 pounds of lean tissue in a calendar year. This path gets even more complex as you advance and further into the process.…

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  • 10 Things You’re Doing Wrong At The Gym

    Knowing how to start your fitness journey can take a lot of work. A quick Google search will net you tons of information that can lead down many paths, most needing to be corrected.  We are here to help with ten common mistakes we see when getting started in fitness. If you are making these,…

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  • Glucose Disposal Agents: Hack Weight Loss with Glycolog

    You may have heard of glucose disposal agents (a.k.a. GDA), insulin mimetic, or nutrient partitioning agents. These are all terms for the same type of supplement that aids the body in breaking down carbohydrates you’ve eaten and storing them as glycogen. Blackstone Labs’ Glucose Disposal Agent, Glycolog, tops the market by far in how it…

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