Leg day: perhaps the most skipped muscle grouping in the gym, according how people moan about it on the various social media outlets. More often than not, we see top-heavy people with underdeveloped chicken legs. This may be due, in part, to an archaic attitude towards “what looks good.” Everyone is entitled to their preference, for sure, but around here, we are all about the butt.
Today we are featuring 10 of our favorite fitness butts that will have you off of the bench and into the squat rack faster than you can say “booty drip.”
Stephanie Mahoe
A time-tested favorite of ours, Stephanie Mahoe is an IFBB Bikini professional with an impressive resume to boot. Having won multiple competitions in her career, she still stays completely dedicated to looking as good as humanly possible. If you follow her on Instagram like you should, you’ll see that she routinely posts from intense training sessions almost daily. It was really an easy decision to feature her as both an athlete and model for Celestial Bodiez and Prime Nutrition. Don’t take our word for it, though, see for yourself.
Check her out on Instagram!
Carriejune Bowlby
Young, fresh, booty like two basketballs kissing. Ms. Carriejune is a more recent addition to the Blackstone Labs/Celestial Bodiez family and boy, did we hit the jackpot here! Her progression of fitness in the last year has been absolutely astonishing. She goes hard in the squat rack, and it shows. Check out her Instagram page to see the amazing transformation her body has gone through over the years and wait to be astounded. We hope to see more women her age reach this level of fitness and dedication.
Check her out on Instagram!
Bridget Gioia
Boca Raton’s very own Bridget Gioia, better known as Brizzy Fit, is an elegant career woman with a penchant for making it look good. Work hard, play hard. Eat and burn it off, Bridget stays active always and her body reflects that nicely.
Check her out on Instagram!
Tasha Star
Tasha is well known in the women’s competitive fitness realm, having performed in countless shows over the years. An IFBB and CBBF bikini pro, Tasha takes her aesthetic to a new plateau with a butt to aspire too.
Follow Tasha Star on Instagram!
Caroline De Campos
Caroline comes to us from Brazil, bringing with her not only that South American flair we all love so much, but also a bootylicious physique to ogle over. A WBFF pro, she not only does he get it in the gym, but she also boasts an active outdoor lifestyle and can be seen posting videos from rollerblade adventures to long bike rides.

Check her out on Instagram!
Cody Montgomery
Mr. USA himself, Cody Montgomery is a rising star of the fitness world. WE were so lucky to have formed a partnership with him at Blackstone Labs. We are convinced that nobody trains harder, eats cleaner, and is more disciplined than Cody. Ethics aside, he has a derriere that anyone would strive to attain. Chiseled out of wood, Cody’s butt looks like it was cast in bronze.

Check him out on Instagram!
Linda Durbesson
Linda comes to us from France and is certainly a hot import. She’s undergone an incredible transformation, which she has documented at length on her official website (link).
She has shown herself to be quite an impressive figure in both fitness and modeling.While her overall aesthetic is breathtaking, her area of specialization lies upon her backside.
Check her out on Instagram!
Monique Gant
Celestial Bodiez featured starlet Monique Grant takes the booty jiggle to another level. It’s easy to see why Celestial Bodiez president and CEO Celeste Braun immediately took her on as one of the elite Heavenly Bodiez. Shape, size, roundness, she hits all of the marks for an A-grade backside.

Check her out on Instagram!
Shanique Grant
Shanique is an athlete with a form to truly admire. She’s an IFBB pro, the 2016 NY pro champion, and touts a suite of sponsorships to boot. Her form is impeccable and her dedication to pushing her body is unmatched. Her hard work has paid off for her big time, as you can clearly see in this photo.
Check her out on Instagram!
Aaron Clark
The blood of champions runs through IFBB pro Aaron Clark. The things he does in the gym are simply inhuman. The sheer strength and magnitude of muscle mass he displays would have comic book heroes like The Thing or The Incredible Hulk second guessing themselves.
He trains each and every day, taking particular time to put up ungodly weight in the squat rack and on the leg press. As a result, he has an ass the size of two virginia hams, completely devoid of fat.

Check him out on Instagram!