Cody Montgomery Trains Legs


Cody Montgomery is back at it again. it's amazing how much of this guy we see each week.

Today it's a Monday favorite: Leg Day. Never skip this one!

Always try to keep your body's overall physique in mind as you go forward with your training. Professionals like Cody know just how demanding the judges at events can be, so they can never slack in one particular area, but must always push themselves to grow each and every muscle group.

Luckily Cody knows which exercises to do in which order to get the most out of each workout. Try this one on for yourselves if you think you can!

Follow along with Cody on Instagram for a closer look at what goes on in the life of a young, rising star in professional bodybuilding.


Be sure to follow Blackstone Labs:


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Instagram: @blackstonelabsofficial

Cody Montgomery Instagram: @cody_montgomery