The transformation is over for PJ Braun, who knows whats next for him, but now you can see the final result of his efforts.
The transformation is over for PJ Braun, who knows whats next for him, but now you can see the final result of his efforts.
PJ Braun is at it again with the final training video in his #BeatPJ series. Find out what he does to add size and density to his biceps and triceps. As always, you'll get tons of useful information to help take your training to the next level.
PJ Braun is here with the 3rd training video in his #BeatPJ training series. He shows you how to attack your back and get out of the gym in under 1 hour. PJ will be back with a crazy leg day video in his next installment early next week.
PJ Braun is back again with the 2nd training video in his #BeatPJ training series. He gives some insight into his shoulder training philosiphies and shows you how he trains around his injuries. What's next?..stay tuned!
PJ Braun is back with his 1st training video in a few years. Find out what he is doing to stay healthy after many injuries and what supplements he's using to get in shape for his #BeatPJ contest. What else does he have planned?...stay tuned!